Socratic Seminar 12
- What is a Socratic Seminar?
- Questions are encouraged, including basic ones! Suggest topics for the next Socratic Seminar here.
- No photos, videos, or recordings.
- Chatham House Rule: You are free to share discussions and learnings from Boston BitDevs, but do not reveal the source of the information. Do not share the identity of any of the speakers or participants.
- A proposal for modifying the lightning channel protocol to introduce "Tunable Penalties" by John Law
- New lightning channel Factory construction proposals based on the above "Tunable Penalties" idea by jlspc
- Circuitbreaker: an imperfect way to fight back against channel jamming by Joost Jager
- LDK 113 - Ability to intercept HTLCs
- Swap-in-Potentiam by Jesse Posner, ZmnSCPxj: Moving Onchain Funds "Instantly" To Lightning. A new proposal that enables bitcoin users with LSPs to receive to on-chain addresses/contracts constructed in a way that the on-chain funds can be used to instantly swap for lightning liquidity should the user want to in the future.
Full-RBF Follow up
- Full-RBF December Statistics by Peter Todd
- MAD Transactions by idBrain: A new 0-conf tx protocol proposal as a way to enable 0-conf txs in a full-rbf world. A game theoretical solution based on mutually assured destruction.
Bitcoin Core
- ZeroSync - verify Bitcoin's chain state in an instant with a compact cryptographic proof
- OP_VAULT - Vaults and Covenants
- BIP-329 merged: A standard for importing wallet labels