Socratic Seminar 14
- What is a Socratic Seminar?
- Questions are encouraged, including basic ones! Suggest topics for the next Socratic Seminar here.
- No photos, videos, or recordings.
- Chatham House Rule: You are free to share discussions and learnings from Boston BitDevs, but do not reveal the source of the information. Do not share the identity of any of the speakers or participants.
Features Projects / Releases
- rust-bitcoin v0.30.0
- Typescript Bitcoin Descriptors Library
- Lightning on Blockstream Green
- explorer enhances CPFP support
- musig2 BIP!
- LND Config Generator
- Unenforceable fee obligations in multiparty protocols with Taproot inputs
- Alternative design for OP_VAULT
- Trust minimized swaps using PSBT, SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY and nostr
Bolt 12
Rolls ups + Alternatives
- Sovereign rollups on Bitcoin with Rollkit
- Botanix protocol: An EVM compatible decentralized network on Bitcoin
v3 Transaction Policy + Transaction Pinning
- Transaction version 3 and Package RBF
- Transaction Pinning
- Ephemeral Anchors: Fixing V3 Package RBF againstpackage limit pinning