Socratic Seminar 21
Housekeeping 🧹
- What is a Socratic Seminar?
- Questions are encouraged, including basic ones! Suggest topics for the next Socratic Seminar here.
- No photos, videos, or recordings.
- Chatham House Rule: You are free to share discussions and learnings from Boston BitDevs, but do not reveal the source of the information. Do not share the identity of any of the speakers or participants.
How Should Standards be Maintained?
Coinkite proposes BBQR, a new way to do animated QR codes for Bitcoin, particulary Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions.
Currently the Blockchain Commons UR standard is the most widely used way to do animated QR codes
Examine the Standard
What are the potential benefits and challenges of Coinkite's new method for animated QR codes in Bitcoin transactions? How does it compare to the current standard by Blockchain Commons?
Innovation vs. Standardization
In the context of evolving technologies like animated QR codes, how should the balance between innovation and the need for standardization be maintained?
What to do about mining pool censorship?
Missing sanctioned transactions detected
Wang later announced (in a since-deleted tweet) that F2Pool is disabling the filter
Block CEO Jack Dorsey Leads $6.2 Million Investment Round In Decentralized Bitcoin Mining Pool (emphasis mine)
DEMAND Launches The First Stratum V2 Bitcoin Mining Pool
Censorship in Mining Pools
What are the implications of mining pools like F2Pool filtering sanctioned transactions? Is this a form of necessary regulation or harmful censorship?
Decentralized Block Building
How can decentralized block building prevent filtering and censorship in blockchain transactions? What are the potential drawbacks of this approach?
The Role of a Pool
Considering Jack Dorsey's investment in a decentralized Bitcoin mining pool, how does financial backing influence the decentralization of cryptocurrency mining? How easily can individual miners choose pools?
Activating new Bitcoin Script Features
OP_CAT Re-activation Proposed by Boston Developers Ethan Heilman and Armin Sabouri
Bitcoin Inquisition Activation
OP_CAT Re-activation Proposal
What are the potential impacts of re-activating OP_CAT in Bitcoin? What might it enable, how, and what harms might come in relation to the stability of the Bitcoin network? How does this fit in with other transaction introspection/covenant/contract proposals?
Software Releases
Botanix Labs Launches First EVM-Equivalent Layer 2 Testnet on Bitcoin
BitStream: Decentralized File Hosting Incentivised via Bitcoin Payments
BitcoinJS flag leaves $1B in cryptocurrency exposed
Future of the bitcoin-dev mailing list
A proposal for a “PSBT for descriptors” format
Wallet of Satoshi shuts down to US users
Attacker managed to steal almost 56 BTC (while paying 83.7 BTC fee