Socratic Seminar 25
Housekeeping 🧹
- What is a Socratic Seminar?
- Questions are encouraged, including basic ones! Suggest topics for the next Socratic Seminar here.
- No photos, videos, or recordings.
- Chatham House Rule: You are free to share discussions and learnings from Boston BitDevs, but do not reveal the source of the information. Do not share the identity of any of the speakers or participants.
Fee spike due to babylon launch
Bitcoin companies shutting down
Bitcoin Core's migration to the CMake buildsystem
Efficient Multi input grinding for CAT covenants
Flag Day Activation based on nlocktime signaling
Puzzle #66 solved and stolen(?)
Intel SGX Fuse Key0 compromised
Optimizing Big Integer Multiplication on Bitcoin: Introducing w-windowed Approach
Permissionless Verifiable Information Dispersal (Data Availability for Bitcoin Rollups)
Software Releases
Testnet4 including PoW difficulty adjustment fix